(Article by Fr. Paul Coutinha SAC) The phrase “In Persona Christi” is not new to us. We know it. We have heard it explained. Probably we need to reflect on it again and again as Priests trying to live our lives as best as we can in a world of temptations and sin. We are continuously called to be more and more “in persona Christi” that is, in the person of Christ. It is the Sacrament of baptism that incorporates the believer into the eternal Priesthood of Christ. This has been called the common priesthood – a call to which every baptized person is called. Now, this call is to be sustained with grace. This grace comes from God and God gives this sustaining grace through the Ministerial Priesthood. The Ministerial Priesthood is made up of bishops and priests, and also deacons to a lesser extent (I mean permanent deacons not transitional). These are given the specific purpose/ministry of sustaining and renewing the members of the Church so that they can carry out the Church’s mission ...
United in Mission, Moved with Compassion