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Showing posts from June, 2022

To Be A Beloved Apostle

(Article by Fr. Beniz Gomes SAC) If we have to understand the depth of the meaning of the apostle, we need to look at Jesus. It is through Jesus, in Jesus, and with Jesus, that the apostle and catholic apostolate can be better understood.  Jesus the apostle of the Eternal Father God the Father at the appointed time sent His only Son, to Shepherd His flock. The Father revealed His infinite love by sending His Beloved Son. St. Vincent Pallotti addressed Jesus as ‘The Apostle of the Eternal Father’. Jesus by His paschal mystery restored this grace of being beloved. Through Jesus, “The Father calls man and woman, first created in His image, and later restored by grace through Christ’s death, to give themselves entirely to God…We see in Jesus the perfection of our Father’s love for us”. Jesus has merited ‘supernatural kingship by which we obtain the right to become children of God and coheirs with Him’. This is an infinite privilege. As a beloved apostle; one has access to the very life...

St. Vincent Pallotti & His Dialogue with the Signs of the Time

( Article by   Bro. Jeevan Liston D’Souza SAC ) Introduction “Remember that Christian Life is one of action and not speech and daydreams. Let there be more action and few words and may it all be done well.”-St. Vincent Pallotti Everybody might be acquainted with the life, phenomena, miracles, and sanctified life of St. Vincent Pallotti. He lived a remarkable life. Being a noteworthy person, he worked for the people according to signs of the time. He had spent momentous time understanding the Church that the Church was nothing but people of God much before the Vatican Council II. Those were the times, when the status quo of Rome tossed away the laity, wrecked, fragmented, and traumatized the life of the Church. It was at this time that Pallotti used all his understanding according to the signs of the time in his apostolate. Today his life is captivating to read the signs of the time. Why is it so? A Glimpse of the Historical Background Pallotti, the Roman priest, could have ...